LoRaWAN Sensor Workshop
On Tuesday, 20th of February we were invited by IoT Austria to hold a Sensor Workshop together with our Verein and the Community of The Things Network in Vienna and Niederösterreich. Tis workshop was hosted by Fachhochschule Technikum Wien.
Already the number of registrations showed huge interest by the community and we were happy to welcome 16 participants. We were creating groups of two participants, ideally one of with high skills in soldering and helping the other with less experience in this area.
One of the main challenges was the task to solder 11 SMD parts. It turned out that 3 hours was tight for this workshop. We had to extend by another hour and finally had many people leaving the workshop happily with their blinking sensor in hands, that’s already transmitting sensor data from the BME280 sensor after registering it at TheThingsNetwork’s Console. This sensor measures temperature, humidity and barometric pressure. The data is presented in Cayenne LPP format and can later be integrated to Cayenne MyDevices Console for a fancy graphical presentation.
We also realized that a few participants could not finish their sensors and will be supported by the Community, Slack Channel and Mailinglist.
In total the feedback was very positive. For many, it was the first time building a sensor and use it with LoRaWAN.
We would like to thank our partners for the support and hosting: Thomas Reinighaus (IoT Austria) and Mathias Ballner (FH Technikum Wien).
Samuel Puschacher, Stefan Schultheis