TTN Vienna at The Things Conference

Greetings from Amsterdam! A team from Vienna and Niederösterreich joines The Things Conference held from 1st to 3rd February in Amsterdam: Sergiu, Samuel, and Stefan.
It’s a great event with contacts to many vendors and a lot of information about where LoRaWAN and The Things Network is heading too.
As we would like to install a local installation for our cluster/Public Network in Austria, it’s also a great opportunity to get the latest updates to TTN Stack v3, which is the next generation of software (being released as Open Source) enabling LoRaWAN 1.1 and a lot of additional features. These features include support for Class A, B, and C devices, peering, microservice architecture and tighter integration of Gateways.
We also met Andreas Spiess, known as “the guy with the swiss accent” who inspired many of us with his content on the Youtube channel.
On Community Day we held a short presentation about our GPS Tracker application for mapping network coverage to TTNmapper. The interest was great, we started with 2 people and ended up with 20+ listening.
Finally we also received a few LoRaWAN devices (nodes) that we will bring to Vienna to hand out to our community at one of the next Community Meetings – stay tuned for more details!