LoRaWAN Gateway Workshop

Update 17.02.2019: The workshop is fully booked out.
Netidee Projekt
We’re happy to announce our first Netidee Gateway Workshop in year 2019 on 23.02.2019. Special thanks to Netidee for sponsoring our LoRaWAN Projekt and to the ÖBB Open Innovation guys for supporting us with the location!
Where/when is the workshop?
Date: Satureday February 23th 2019 – Start: 09:00
Location: ÖBB Open Innovation Fabrik

What is the workshop about?
- Short introduction related to LoRaWAN Gateways
- Assembling 2 different types of gateways for the Netidee project
- Setup the gateways & configure them properly
- Install the gateways in the wild join them into the TTN Vienna/OpenIoT network
What will the workshop be like?
- We will have a short session about the different gateway types in use by our Verein, experiences and the rollout strategy itself
- We will work in groups to assemble and configure the gateways
- Two different gateway types will be covered (RaspberryPi/IMST based and Lorix One).
- Other gateway types will not be covered directly in this workshop, but I’m sure we can exchange experiences over a coffee.
- The main focus is on OpenIoT gateways. Hardware will be provided by us for locations chosen by the Verein.
- If you want to work on your own hardware – feel free to bring it to the workshop. Typically those gateways can be set-up in parallel.
- Please be aware that this is not directly a product-troubleshooting workshop. If you need support with your LoRaWAN projects our forum would be a better place to start.
How to sign-up for the workshop?
- Fill-in the sign-up request form (below)
- Wait for the confirmation e-mail
Unfortunately the workshop is fully booked out.