Community Meeting 2021-03
Dear all, we are happy to announce or next OpenIoT Community Meeting. Unfortunately we are still in the position to organize this as an online meeting. You find the link…
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Dear all, we are happy to announce or next OpenIoT Community Meeting. Unfortunately we are still in the position to organize this as an online meeting. You find the link…
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Dear all,we’re happy to announce the next OpenIoT community meeting.Date: 3.12.2020 Time: 18:00 Location: Online Meeting (Jitsi) We would like to discuss current projects and the state of the network. We’re also very curious to learn…
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Dear all,we have scheduled the next OpenIoT / TTN Vienna Community Meeting. As a group of people from our Community were attending the LoRa Alliance Member Meeting and The Things…
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Check out our new blogpost about our attendence at the LoRa Alliance members meeting at Netidee.at.
Dear all,as requested by the community through the Forum, the next Community Meeting will be at: 28th December 2019starting at 18:00 at Hotel Schani (near Hauptbahnhof) Please note that we…
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Our project is partly funded and supported by Netidee. We were invited to introduce our project and discuss the goals in a short video. The video has now been published…
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Dear all,since we received a number of replies from people who were still on vacation at August’s Community Meeting, we decide to plan the next meeting for: 26th September 2019starting…
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We are proudly announcing that LoRa Alliance has accepted OpenIoT as member. LoRa Alliance was found in 2015 and is a non profit association with more than 500 members. It’s…
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We would like to announce our next Community Meeting for TTN Vienna and OpenIoT at the 27th August starting at 18:00 at Campus Bräu near Hauptbahnhof. For more details &…
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Bernhard has just posted a report and findings about our test of the paxcounter application based on TTGO using our LoRaWAN network. Check it out at Netidee’s website: https://www.netidee.at/lorawan-netzwerk/paxcounter-bei-raritaetenboerse-im-botanischen-garten-wien
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